Identify your team “operating system” and learn and put into place 6 conditions for team effectiveness
Working alongside your team in real-time while you're doing real work, virtually or in-person, The Halle Group coaches and facilitates, providing tools and practices to communicate, collaborate, build trust, make decisions and resolve conflict creatively.
Our approach to team effectiveness doesn’t involve Band-Aid solutions: our first objective is identifying your team's "operating system" -- how you collectively are thinking about the work, the situation, your roles, how best to make decisions, resolve conflict and communicate. We will work with you to answer the question: “If I want to stack the deck in favor of my team becoming a truly superb team, what are the handful of highest leverage things I can do?”:
You'll learn about six conditions for team effectiveness and how to put them into place. Then, you can shift how you're thinking, build a sturdy structure for your team, and develop strategies that will enable you to accomplish goals and be effective over time. And in ways that are a lot more fun!